We have learned that Aronia Extract protects skin.
“Topical Application of Aronia melanocarpa Extract Rich in Chlorogenic Acid and Rutin Reduces UVB-Induced Skin Damage via Attenuating Collagen Disruption” (Pub Med)
We have good reason for putting Aronia Extract in our cream, Secrets That Keep™.
The topical use of Aronia Berry promotes collagen, and protects skin from harmful Ultra Violet sun rays. Our face cream uses Aronia Berries. Scientific Proof from Pub Med – Link
Youth is not Beauty. Beauty is Beauty! A smooth complexion without blemishes, an even skin tone, invisible pours those things go a long way toward Beauty. We have good reason for putting Aronia Extract in our cream, Secrets That Keep™. The Aronia Berry is in the Rose Family , we have learned that Aronia Extract protects skin from UV light. Black chokeberry is a member of Rosaceae (Rose Family), and is commonly referred to as black chokeberry, aronia or aroniaberry.
I take Aronia Berry in smoothies and drinks. A year into taking you will notice a sharper focus and an improvement in memory. Short term memory improves. A sense of well being is very noticeable.